9 ways a Garden Designer could save you time and money.

Employing a garden designer is a luxury right? Well, it depends on what you value and where you want to spend your money and time. If you are thinking of having a major change to your garden, a garden designer can actually save you money and help you visualise something perfect and amazing that you could never have envisaged without expert help.

So here are 9 ways garden designers could save you money…

  1. Time and research: Your time is precious, it takes time to research and think and plan your ideal garden. You may have ideas but are not sure how to bring it all together. A designer knows how to do that.

  2. Budget and materials: A designer has knowledge of materials and construction methods and knows (roughly!) what something might cost. If you have a budget, a designer can design based on that and make cost-saving suggestions. ‘What about a gravel path rather than brick?’

  3. Right plant, right place: Have you been to a garden centre, bought plants you like the look of, planted them sort of where you think they should go, but then they either die or get too big? A designer’s knowledge of plants and what will work in which conditions will stop you throwing good money after bad.

  4. Re-using and re-purposing: Wherever possible a designer will work with the lie of the land and re-use and re-purpose what is in your garden. For example, a tree stuck in the middle of a lawn becomes a shade-giving canopy for a new seating area.

  5. Get it right first time. Are you worried about making mistakes by designing a space yourself? Have you done your garden bit by bit and now it doesn’t ‘flow’ and you need to rip up the patio and knock down the wall that has only been there for 2 years? Having a whole garden design means you don’t have to get it all done straight away but at least you have a plan to work to.

  6. Stay at home rather than going out. A great outside space for entertaining and relaxing with a glass of wine will make you want to stay in rather than spend money on taxis, warm overpriced prosecco, and trying to find a table in the beer garden.

  7. Grow your own. With the price of food going up, a great way to combat this is to incorporate an area to grow your fruit and veg. A garden designer can suggest the best place to site it and design it so that it flows with the rest of the garden and looks good as well as productive.

  8. Save money on therapy. So much has been written about this recently… that being outdoors and communing with nature is amazing for your wellbeing and mental health. Why not invest in a well-designed, beautiful garden that brings you joy, one you’ll love to be in and won’t want to leave.

  9. Add value to your home. Research suggests that having a well-designed garden with the wow factor can increase the value of your property by as much as 20%. Invest in a garden that you will enjoy but also one that a prospective buyer can’t resist.

Find out how to start the process of saving yourself money and get in touch.


7 things a garden designer can do for you..