What does it cost for a planting plan?

Planting plans cost £40 per sqm of planting space. So if you have 20sqm of area that needs a planting plan, this would be £800.

This does not include the plants themselves but we can source the plants from Wholesalers so that it is cheaper and have them delivered to you.

Depending on the project, we can do the planting for you, or we can come and place out the plants where they are to go so that you can plant them yourselves or arrange for a gardener or landscaper to plant them.

Use this tool to help calculate the size of a planting area that you have and use the sliders to play about with the planting density and average plant cost.

Did you know….. Big public garden centres mark up the plants they sell between 150 and 300 percent on the wholesale price. So a £5.00 plant from a wholesaler is likely to be £15.00 from a garden centre.


Planting design is……..the selection and use of plants to achieve a designer's objectives.

So some objectives could be:

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  • You want all year round interest…

    • Choose evergreen shrubs, foliage that changes colour, seasonal bulbs.

  • You want a cottage style garden with pastel colours

    • Choose foxgloves, hardy geraniums, lupins, peony’s, roses.

  • You want formal permanent structure

    • Box topiary, yew hedges, hebe’s, pittosporum, small tree’s, dwarf conifers

  • You want greenery but minimal maintenance.

    • Box, hebe’s, evergreen grasses

  • We need plants that thrive in shady, wet areas.

    • Hosta’s, ferns, hellebores, hydrangea, dogwood, astilbe

  • We need plants that are good for bees and butterflies.

    • Buddleja, pulmonaria, lavender, alliums, asters,

  • We want to create a tropical feel.

    • Big leaves of ginger, fatsia, mahonia, canna lilies, acanthus

  • We want to create a feeling of vibrancy and aliveness.

    • Choose hot colours; reds, purples, oranges of red hot poker, helenium, dahlia, echinacea, lupin

  • We want pretty plants that also offer produce and fragrance.

    • Jasmine, roses, clematis, wisteria, phlox, wallflowers, dianthus

  • To provide screening and privacy.

    • Bamboo, photinia Red Robin, Ivy, native hedging.

I use a great website called Shoot ( which is a database of plants and allows me to plot the position and eventual size of plants on a plan of your garden, which in turn calculates how many plants are needed for the space.

The website also provides monthly care instructions that can be emailed to you to let you know what you need to do and when to look after your plants.

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What does it cost for a planting plan?

Planting plans cost around £30 per sqm of planting space.

This does not include the plants themselves but we can source the plants from Wholesalers so that it is cheaper and have them delivered to you.

We do not do the planting ourselves, but if you wish we can come and place out the plants where they are to go so that you can plant them yourselves or arrange for a gardener or landscaper to plant them.