Why you need a garden designer

There are many reasons to seek help and advice from a garden designer. You may be a keen gardener yourself but you realise a bit of guidance and creative input is needed to enhance your loved and valued garden into your personal outdoor space with maybe with better structure and more impact.

You have no time to do it yourself? You don’t know where to start and don’t want to make mistakes and waste money?

Perhaps it’s just you don’t have time to consider the planning process and investigate the daunting array of choices available needed to come up with a coherent design.

Alternatively, are you someone who doesn’t understand plants or have little knowledge, and you just don’t know where to start. I can help you make the process easy and manageable with ideas to get the ball rolling.

Value for investment

A Garden Designer is invaluable if you are considering fundamental changes to your garden, coming up with a plan on how to maximise the space as well as planting, lighting, furniture and maintenance.

To build and create a brand new garden costs thousands of pounds. A typical whole site design of mine over the last year has cost upwards of £25,000 to build. It is another ‘room’ in your property and can be bigger than many ‘living’ rooms in your house. But if it is well designed a garden can bring you so much ongoing pleasure.

Spending a small percentage of a garden budget on employing a garden designer really does make sense in order to get the design right and to get the very best of your outside space with ideas you may not have thought of.

Design Anytime

People often choose spring to rethink their garden when the nicer weather starts. However the design process works all year round and I can give you advice and guidance at any time. Starting to think about changing your garden in winter ensures that by the time I have designed the garden on paper and screen, you are getting a jump start in the New Year to book in landscapers and get the garden built early.


You get an Expert View

There will be concepts and inspiration which you may have not considered before and these can be discussed whether it be seating, the best suited plants, containers or the visual impact.

You get high quality visualisations

You will be able to appreciate how your garden will look before any of the actual work begins. Plans, sketches and visualisations help to communicate the vision and design.

Increase the value of your Property

Having a well-designed and maintained garden will also increase the value of your property. There is general consensus that a well-presented garden can add anywhere between 5-20% of your property value, the range depending on the amount invested. It’s not uncommon for garden enthusiasts to spend 5-10% of the property value. Features to consider include the feeling of seclusion and privacy, how easy it looks to maintain and of course plants and lighting; all contributing to your property’s desirability.

Gardens are becoming more and more important as extra living space and are now considered as an additional room and important space and things people look for when looking to move house.


How to transform a New Build Garden


Gardening in a heatwave